Monday, March 31, 2008

third paragraph solve the problem in reduction in biodiversity

The reduction in biodiversity caused by the climate change is a serious problem we are facing today. Now the rate of animal extinction is much faster than 100 years ago. We must do something to slow down the speed so that we will not see the tragedy that one day in the future we wake up and find we are the only animal in the world! The most important thing we human beings should do is to protect the environment where the animals live, because most of the extinction of animals is due to change in their living environment. As the climate change will have some effect on the environment, we should not do more harm to it. Also we should learn more about the living creatures. Only if we know more about them can we protect them well. For example in China pandas are in the danger of extinction, so people try to learn about them. Now the result of people’s effort is that the population of pandas is increasing. Another important thing we should is to educate the people around us and the next generation to protect other creatures. If everyone on the earth can try their best to protect the environment and other living creatures, we can slow down the speed of reduction in biodiversity.


Jason said...

yah, I also think it is a serious problem we are facing today, and i agree that, only when everyone really realize how serious the problem is, we can solve them eventually. actually, for all the problems, the situation is almost the same: the only way to solve them completely is to take action from you, from me, and from everyone in the world

See Kee said...

Climate change is indeed a serious problem from which many other problems arise. I believe it is everyone's effort to prevent the problem from being more aggravated.