Monday, April 14, 2008

What difficulties I have writing?

I think writing is always a big problem for me since my childhood. Maybe I do not have the talent for writing. So what I have to do is to put more effort on it. I think there are several big problems in my writing.

The first and biggest problem is that I am lacking in vocabulary. Very often I want to express something in my composition, but when I start to write about it I do not know what words I shall use, or even I do not know the words that can express what I want to say. Another problem associate with vocabulary is that sometimes I can not use the correct words in my writing, because I do not know the exact meaning of them. For example I want to express a strong feeling, but the word I use does not give people the feeling I want to express. I think the solution to this problem is only to read more and enlarge my vocabulary.

Another problem in my writing is that I always can not think in an English way. Although I write in English but my thinking is still Chinese, so when people read my essay or paragraph they may feel strange. They may think the grammars and the vocabulary seem to be correct but they still feel strange. It is the difference between these two cultures causes the problem. What I should do is to try to learn more about English and western culture and use them at least in my writing.

Over all, I have some problems in writing and I still feel it difficult writing. But I am trying my best to improve my skills in writing and enhance my ability in writing not only in the course but also outside it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

test essay

Which is more important for leadership, wisdom or intelligence?

Do you want to be a good leader? Which do you need more, wisdom or intelligence? The answer is wisdom! Wisdom is a more important prerequisite for people in leadership, because it can help people control their emotion well and deal with people better.

People with wisdom can control their emotion better than a person with only intelligence. Intelligence is really necessary for a person in leadership. But sometimes intelligent people may not control their emotion well. They may be angry about some small mistake their members make or too frustrate about failure. These emotional reactions are not good for people in leadership to keep their teams moving forward. In contrast, people with wisdom are better at controlling their emotion. Wisdom is more or less gained from one’s previous life experience. With such experience, people can know how to show their emotion. They will neither be too happy about success nor too sad about failure. This performance of a leader can influence his or her followers to act less subjectively, and help the team grow. To be a good leader, controlling or regulating one’s emotion is important, so in this aspect wisdom is more important than intelligence.

In another aspect, people with wisdom can deal with people better than people with only intelligence. Intelligent people sometimes think that they are really smart and better than others, so they may not respect their followers. The knowledge they get from books cannot help them deal with people. If the leader cannot deal with his followers well, definitely, he or she cannot lead his or her team well. In contrast, wisdom can help people interact with others well. Wisdom is more or less gained from people’s experience. With their previous experience, they know the way to deal with people. They will first respect every follower they have, and they know how to motivate these people to make their team better. To be a good leader the ability to interact with people is very important. Thus, wisdom is more important than intelligence in this way.

In conclusion, to be a good leader, intelligence is necessary. Rather than being smart, the ability to control one’s emotion and deal with people is more important in human society. As a consequence, wisdom is more important for a person in leadership.

Monday, March 31, 2008

the meaning of my life

Meaning of my life

What gives the meaning of my life? I think it may take me my whole life to answer this question. Now according to my 20 years’ experience I think family, friendship and love give the meaning of my life. Family is the most valuable thing in the world to me. I think it is my family that gives me life and feeds me from the day when I was born. What I have now is mostly from my family. I think in the world the only thing one cannot lose is his or her family; family is the strongest support for one to live in the world. Another thing I will treasure is my friends. Family give you your life and feed you until you grow up, but if one want to survive in the society he or she must has friends. When you are in trouble you cannot always get help from your family, at this time you can turn to your friends for help. Friends can shoulder the burden of you and also they can share joy with you. As long as you are with friends you will never get lonely. The last thing love I thing not only gives meaning if my life but also gives meaning of the whole world. What we get from our family and friends is always love. It is an important thing to support our life. The love here is not merely the love between family and friends. It includes all loves, for example, the love you give to the one that you do not know before. If everyone is full of love the world will become much better, anyone who has trouble can get the love from others and can overcome the trouble. Family friends and love are necessary to make my life meaningful.

third paragraph solve the problem in reduction in biodiversity

The reduction in biodiversity caused by the climate change is a serious problem we are facing today. Now the rate of animal extinction is much faster than 100 years ago. We must do something to slow down the speed so that we will not see the tragedy that one day in the future we wake up and find we are the only animal in the world! The most important thing we human beings should do is to protect the environment where the animals live, because most of the extinction of animals is due to change in their living environment. As the climate change will have some effect on the environment, we should not do more harm to it. Also we should learn more about the living creatures. Only if we know more about them can we protect them well. For example in China pandas are in the danger of extinction, so people try to learn about them. Now the result of people’s effort is that the population of pandas is increasing. Another important thing we should is to educate the people around us and the next generation to protect other creatures. If everyone on the earth can try their best to protect the environment and other living creatures, we can slow down the speed of reduction in biodiversity.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

timed essay

Zero waste policy is a policy that tries to recycle and reuse waste as much as possible. It is better at dealing with waste than landfilling. The most obvious aspect is that the zero waste policy can save land resources. Certain amount of land has to be used for landfilling. While through the zero waste policy we can save our limited land resources, because much less waste is produced. The second aspect is that the zero waste policy causes less pollution than landfilling. The organic waste in landfills will rot and cause health problems for the people nearby. The heavy metal in the landfills can also pollute the underground water. However, with the zero waste policy organic waste will be recycled and waste like heavy metal will be designed out of the system. Furthermore, the zero waste policy can offer more job opportunities. As everyone is involved in the zero waste policy, many jobs will be created to turn waste into an asset. But with landfilling not so many jobs will be created. Over all, the zero waste policy is a much better method to deal with waste than landfilling.