Monday, April 14, 2008

What difficulties I have writing?

I think writing is always a big problem for me since my childhood. Maybe I do not have the talent for writing. So what I have to do is to put more effort on it. I think there are several big problems in my writing.

The first and biggest problem is that I am lacking in vocabulary. Very often I want to express something in my composition, but when I start to write about it I do not know what words I shall use, or even I do not know the words that can express what I want to say. Another problem associate with vocabulary is that sometimes I can not use the correct words in my writing, because I do not know the exact meaning of them. For example I want to express a strong feeling, but the word I use does not give people the feeling I want to express. I think the solution to this problem is only to read more and enlarge my vocabulary.

Another problem in my writing is that I always can not think in an English way. Although I write in English but my thinking is still Chinese, so when people read my essay or paragraph they may feel strange. They may think the grammars and the vocabulary seem to be correct but they still feel strange. It is the difference between these two cultures causes the problem. What I should do is to try to learn more about English and western culture and use them at least in my writing.

Over all, I have some problems in writing and I still feel it difficult writing. But I am trying my best to improve my skills in writing and enhance my ability in writing not only in the course but also outside it.


Hanyun said...

I believe that your problems are common with most Chinese students >_< We are always exposed to an environment where Chinese culture is predominated (even here in Singapore...>_< again...).And learning from reading is not easy to do. We are(or maybe "I am")too lazy to look up and memorize the new words in reading materials. We are puzzled and cannot find a way out. But anyway, to read more indeed works. No excuses and just give it our best try^^

Poor English is not all about those nasty things. It has brought us together and given us some fun...haha~

Rikou Tay said...

Haha.. Don't give up. Try hard and learn more. It is not easy to master a language. However, we should believe in ourselves. If we put in sufficient efforts, we can achieve our goal. ^^

Li Yuanlong said...

I think we more or less have the same problems. But after 7 years, there will be no problems at all. So we can learn in these years and we can improve a lot.

Sweetie said...

I also have these problems, and I also feel awful when I talk to foreigners. You are much better than me. So you must have this confidence in yourself. 我看好你呦~~